Monday, July 23, 2012

Two Weeks

2 weeks from today I am getting on a plane and moving to Kenya for a year!! WHAT?

For those of you that did not know, I was just in Toronto for two weeks with all of the other YASCers and some missionaries with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and the United Church of Canada.  It was a cultural orientation and training for us all before we go.  I experienced so much there. We had great speakers and many different sessions on all of the different aspects of mission, but what stuck out to me the most was the time I got to spend getting to know the other YASCers and missionaries traveling all over the world.  I am beyond thankful for the various conversations I had and the wisdom that was imparted on me through each person there.  The whole experience definitely made this new chapter in my life feel more real.

Our group outside Wycliffe College where we had all of our sessions.
We are all a part of God's story and the way we tell our part is so important. There is so much more that goes into it than we may see on the surface.  Seriously the group of people in that picture are all doing incredible things for the Kingdom and I am blessed to know them.  It is strange that I will not see some of them ever again and some I will not see until our re-entry retreat next year.  I am really going to miss them, but you can all join me in praying for them and keeping up with their blogs.  We had so many good laughs and adventures.  Toronto is a cool city with much to offer.  Some of the things I got to experience were a Hindu Mandir, an Islamic Center, shawarma, Ethiopian food, a Blue Jays game, listening to people's stories, navigating public transportation, getting stuck in an elevator and there was so much more that I wont bore you with, but if you ever want to hear about it let me know.

I am guessing that the next time I post, I will be in Kenya! I cannot wait!

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